7 Kasım 2012 Çarşamba


To begin with the latest slogan of METU-I brain ODTÜ-I can say that it is a general idea that every member of METU feels about METU.Since I took a step to METU last year,I have been encountering this slogan almost everywhere within the boundaries of METU from dormitories to faculties,from blue buses to cafeteria.There are also t-shirts,sweaters and many other materials carrying this slogan.Then I thought that slogan must be top slogan representing METU.In my opinion,this motto was chosen as an effective one and it is so.The reason why I think so is that each student of METU has an admiration for METU,they like it so much and they are almost crazy about it,so this motto reflects what most students feel about METU.I don't know whether there are more suitable slogans for METU,but this one is really a perfect one .What this slogan puzzles me is that I am a member of an elite environment,the only thing I am thinking about is this environment ,and I could do whatever this neighbourhood expects from me.It is just like being a soldier because soldiers love their motherland so much and when it is necessary they are ready to die for it.We are not soldiers but as a students we can also protect our college -METU- from dangers and we can help it become one of the best with our runnings with our studies.That slogan also shows what we can do.When I examined this slogan I realized that it was a mixture of Turkish and English words.Instead of using METU why did designer use ODTÜ?I still wonder that.I don't know if the designers had a certain aim while designing this;however,it seems that they chose ODTÜ to be more interesting and to attract people's attention more because I don't have a more reasonable cause.I approve 'I brain ODTÜ',but if I wanted to make new slogan for my university,I would use 'Being ODTÜLÜ is a privilege.'This slogan is also realistic because METU is one of the world's100 best top universities and in Turkey many colleges don't even  have half of the facilities which METU has.

1 yorum:

  1. Dear Tuğrul,
    I liked your journal and I also think the same. I agree with you in that 'I Brain ODTÜ' is a very effective slogan. I find your regarding us as soldiers very interesting and lovely. We are not soldiers but if it is necessary, we can be. I did not encounter any grammar or spelling mistakes. You are good at writing, I suppose. :) I liked your way of thinking about the slogan. And also, I liked your alternative slogan, as well. It was really enjoyable to read your journal. I am waiting for the new ones. :)
