'Those strangers(in online contexts)who have no arms to put my shoulders,no eyes to weep with mine,nevertheless can see me through.As friends do.'(John Perry Barlow)
The writer thinks that friends in the online world can be as intimate as in real life and they may share our feelings with us sincerely even if they do not have no arms or eyes like real friends have.I disagree with the writer because I can not trust anybody who I have never talked to face to face before.That is why I can not share my emotions with that person and our friendship becomes superficial one.I do not believe that people can build healthy relationships in a virtual world.Firstly,online communication is far from being sincere since it is short of the essential basics of real face to face relationships.Online friends can never give the feeling of warmth,love and intimacy behind screens.Because in some situations, we only need a shoulder to rest on or a hug when we feel happy,great and chat friends can not provide us with these.They can talk to us with signs of happiness or sadness,but we can not understand whether that person really feel as we do.Secondly,the risk of being tricked in online communication is very high.It is a well-known fact that there are people with bad intentions as many as the other people.Maybe many more than good ones,so we should take into consideration that some people can lie to us and take advantage of us.For instance,they may abuse our amity with the purpose of getting our money.Or,they may turn out to be a psycho or a pervert.Moreover,they may harm us and our neighbourhood by calling constantly and sending spams.They intrude our private life and prevent us from focusing on our daily works or relations.Since we do not see these chat fellas beforehand,we may never be sure of real identity of these friends.I am not saying that all of online friends are like example ones.There are some people who find their soul mate on internet and eventually they get married.While they do not have serious relationships in real life,they can be happier in online world.However,anyway on the whole I disagree with the writer's opinion that true friendships can be found on the internet.Online amities have always a missing part which can never be fixed up.
Dear Tuğrul,
YanıtlaSilI liked reading your journal. It is unified and coherent. You have expressed your ideas clearly,and you have also supported your point by using suitable examples.I felt as if my parents were talking when I read your journal because you warn us against hazards of online friendships. It is not hard for me to follow the flow of your ideas. You have a fluent style. I agree with your ideas to a great extent. It is pleasure for me to read your journal. Your language use is not problematic. However, you should pay attention to use of ‘because’. You should avoid using fragments. Thanks for your effort :) By Esra Ataman