20 Kasım 2012 Salı

Taurus Salad

3 aubergines,3 cayenne peppers,mint,parsley,basil,a clove of garlic,a cup of vinegar,lime juice,2 cups of olive oil,onion and salt.
Aubergines are cooked on the embers,by peeling away they are put a vessel with olive oil and lime juice.Baked peppers are sanitised,they are cut into pieces and then they are put together aubergines.the same process is done to onions.vinegar,garlic and a cup of water are mixed in a vessel and poured out aubergines.After keeping in a fridge till it cools down,mint,parsley and basil are added.Finally,it is ready to be served.
To be quite honest,I chose this local salad to make it more known.It is special to mediterranean cuisine and I want it to be common all around the world.In my opinion,with some small changes it can be favorable for everybody.Like Burger and Mcdonalds which appeal to almost whole world,my local salad can be tasted and maybe some spices are added if you wish,so that it may be a world-wide Turkish food.That's what I think about.If this is approved,other kind of salads can be put to menu.Who knows it may be a brand in the future.[MEDİTERRANEAN SALADS]

19 Kasım 2012 Pazartesi

Online Friendships

'Those strangers(in online contexts)who have no arms to put my shoulders,no eyes to weep with mine,nevertheless can see me through.As friends do.'(John Perry Barlow)

The writer thinks that friends in the online world can be as intimate as in real life and they may share our feelings with us sincerely even if they do not have no arms or eyes like real friends have.I disagree with the writer because I can not trust anybody who I have never talked to face to face before.That is why I can not share my emotions with that person and our friendship becomes superficial one.I do not believe that people can build healthy relationships in a virtual world.Firstly,online communication is far from being sincere since it is short of the essential basics of real face to face relationships.Online friends can never give the feeling of warmth,love and intimacy behind screens.Because in some situations, we only need a shoulder to rest on or a hug when we feel happy,great and chat friends can not provide us with these.They can talk to us with signs of happiness or sadness,but we can not understand whether that person really feel as we do.Secondly,the risk of being tricked in online communication is very high.It is a well-known fact that there are people with bad intentions as many as the other people.Maybe many more than  good ones,so we should take into consideration that some people can lie to us and take advantage of us.For instance,they may abuse our amity with the purpose of getting our money.Or,they may turn out to be a psycho or a pervert.Moreover,they may harm us and our neighbourhood by calling constantly and sending spams.They intrude our private life and prevent us from focusing on our daily works or relations.Since we do not see these chat fellas beforehand,we may never be sure of real identity of these friends.I am not saying that all of online friends are like example ones.There are some people who find their soul mate on internet and eventually they get married.While they do not have serious relationships in real life,they can be happier in online world.However,anyway on the whole I disagree with the writer's opinion that true friendships can be found on the internet.Online amities have always a missing part which can never be fixed up.

17 Kasım 2012 Cumartesi


Leyla ile Mecnun is a Turkish tv series.The theme of the L&M is the heroical love of legendary characters-Leyla and Mecnun-The type of the series is absurd comedy.That is to say,although it is a love story,humours are predominant parts of the series.Even so,at the end of every episode topic is somehow connected to the love of main characters.The reason why I am talking about this series is that it is renowned and has a reputation not only in Turkey but also in the world or I have not watched such a comedy series as entertaining as 'Leyla ile Mecnun' for a long time.When examining its reputation it is regarded as one of the best productions of TRT by social media.It also ranks among best 10 tv series determined by International Movie Database.In a short time after its release,it has become a phenomenon.Last year,it was nominated for several prize and it won all of them.If we look at story itself,we can easilysay that there is a girl who is the only child of a rich family,but she is different from typical rich girls.She is neither arrogant nor spoiled.There is a messy boy from a poor family.He has such a nice and funny personality that he can not harm anyone.Actually,other characters act like main characters such as Erdal Bakkal,İsmail,Yavuz and İskender.The whole of the series crew are successful in their job and do not bother audiences even for a second.To be honest,when I first started to watch this series,it did not appeal to me much and I could not   find the jokes as funny as I expected.However,as I watched it weekly,that series became one of my favourite ones.In addition to comedy,there is science fiction scenes in the series.When Mecnun can not find solutions or answers to his questions,problems he transfers a desert which is situated in unreal world to consult a wise old man.This is because,that story is an adaptation of Arabic love-story and in real story Mecnun spends a great amount of his time in deserts.While shooting science-fiction scenes,characters also use humours many times.As a conclusion,Leyla ile Mecnun is brilliant tv-series mixing comedy with drama where you will shed your tears at some points.Together with a touchy story and enjoyable comedy,this series is one of the best comedy series ever.

7 Kasım 2012 Çarşamba


To begin with the latest slogan of METU-I brain ODTÜ-I can say that it is a general idea that every member of METU feels about METU.Since I took a step to METU last year,I have been encountering this slogan almost everywhere within the boundaries of METU from dormitories to faculties,from blue buses to cafeteria.There are also t-shirts,sweaters and many other materials carrying this slogan.Then I thought that slogan must be top slogan representing METU.In my opinion,this motto was chosen as an effective one and it is so.The reason why I think so is that each student of METU has an admiration for METU,they like it so much and they are almost crazy about it,so this motto reflects what most students feel about METU.I don't know whether there are more suitable slogans for METU,but this one is really a perfect one .What this slogan puzzles me is that I am a member of an elite environment,the only thing I am thinking about is this environment ,and I could do whatever this neighbourhood expects from me.It is just like being a soldier because soldiers love their motherland so much and when it is necessary they are ready to die for it.We are not soldiers but as a students we can also protect our college -METU- from dangers and we can help it become one of the best with our runnings with our studies.That slogan also shows what we can do.When I examined this slogan I realized that it was a mixture of Turkish and English words.Instead of using METU why did designer use ODTÜ?I still wonder that.I don't know if the designers had a certain aim while designing this;however,it seems that they chose ODTÜ to be more interesting and to attract people's attention more because I don't have a more reasonable cause.I approve 'I brain ODTÜ',but if I wanted to make new slogan for my university,I would use 'Being ODTÜLÜ is a privilege.'This slogan is also realistic because METU is one of the world's100 best top universities and in Turkey many colleges don't even  have half of the facilities which METU has.

17 Ekim 2012 Çarşamba


As a beginning,to be able to talk about ideal university concept,we should know what the definition of ideal is. Ideal means only existing in your imagination or as an idea not likely to be real.According to this definition,an ideal university may have some imaginative peculiarities which might not be found in any university all around the world.In my opinion,firstly an ideal university must have autonomous environment.What I want to say is that all scientists,academistsprofessors and students must be exactly free while they are creating new knowledge,searching,writing a book,explaining their views about social events.In other words,any government or governmental institution shouldn't be able to interfere college activities.With this free climate,every member of varsity can easily express their authentic ideas and nobody can intervene others.Besides that liberal atmosphere,an ideal uiversity must have some characteristics to attract smart and hard-working students to its constitution.To my consideration,one of the most important features of an ideal college is where college is situated and what it can serve its participants.For example,in our country the best place for an ideal college is southwest region of Turkey because I believe that the climate of the city where you live effects your psychology and mood substantially.Even if a university  is prosperous but is placed in a hard area,it may seem less likeable than a stantard university.Not only its location but its facilities,opportunities and possibilities are significant for an ideal university as well.I mean that an ideal college must have a big campus enough to enjoy its students out of lesson hours.Inasmuch as,any student can't always study and wants to do some social activities as well.By doing these activities,a student can be more productive and have a good motivation.Eventually ,when I look at my college,METU,I can say that in most aspects METU meets my expectations even more than my expectations.It has almost all criteria I set for an ideal college aside from its location.I wish it had been constructed in a warm city,but anyway I am happy to be a member of METU and that's a privilege.

15 Ekim 2012 Pazartesi

Life on Campus

First of all, being a student at METU means being a member of one of the most prominent universities in Turkey,for METU only accepts successful students from all branches all around Turkey.That also means I am in an elite neighbourhood,Ihave a reputable image in society.For example,when I heard that I was entitled to enter METU,many people from my environment asked me 'what university would you enter?' I answered them with METU.Most of their reactions were astonishment.Then they started to ask'how did you achieve this?' However,some people at that moment,some people later everybody congratulated me and they usually told me the same things such as  'It is very good,it is wonderful,well done,wishing a continued success.At that case,I understood that METU had a great status in community and I was proud of myself once again.Now,I am at METU and I am very happy because I chose METU myself not my father or mother and it was my first choice.Moreover,METU has many opportunities for its students.For instance,sports,it has many sport facilitieswhich are unavailable in most universities such as stadium,DEVRİM,astro pitches,tennis courts,swimming pools as outdoor and indoor pools,fitness centers,sports hall etc.When we take into consideration social activities,there are countless student clubs whatever suits you ,you can easily register that club,so(that) you make new friends and become more social.Apart from its good parts,there may be some challenges you will face in METU.This is my second year on campus.At the beginning of last year when I came here it was a bit challenging living alone cause for the first time I was away from my family in a different city and it was like starting a new life.Initially,I had no friends and urgently I had to make new friends,but after first week passed I got used toliving alone and made new associates.In addition,in some cases,I had to cook,but I didn't know how to cook different meals except for spaghetti.As time passed,I coped with all my problems and I began to enjoy my new and hard life without my parents in my varsity.After all,Iam doing pretty well on campus and I do not think I have any unsolved issues nothing more than missing my family so much.