25 Mayıs 2013 Cumartesi

Entry 6-Second Term

                                                   ' AT HOME WITH MAMMA '

     The article entitled 'At home with mamma' is another writing which mostly deals with the reasons why many Italian men stay in the family nest and shows us advantages and superiorities of staying with family. To be more realistic, writer benefits from some research results ,so(that) he succeeds becoming more persuasive          and keeps away making wrong judgements about topic. He says that there has been a rising number of men who prefer living with family recently and he explains men's inclination to staying at home instead of moving to a new house or apartment block. According to Burke,the most prominent reason is economic.When you remove a new house ,your expenses increase necessarily since you have to pay your house rent,electricity and water bills, you will also have extra expenses for food,drink etc. That's why many Italian men live with their family. However, there are some others who stay in family anyway even though they have enough money for all their expenses and they don't need their parents economically. This is because they like the easiness of life at home and they have also excellent relationship with their family.Particularly Italian mothers are really attached to their boys and Italian men do not want to be deprived of their mothers' affection. The case is similar to one in our society. Italian families are not authoritarian any longer. Therefore, men prefer staying at home ,this is another reason.The writer says the closeness between mother and son may be problem after marriage since some women may be jealous of this relationship and may be uncomfortable with it. I totally agree with writer ,this obsessive affection can cause troubles in marriages. Eventually,I liked this article.I found the examples great especially Federico example. It was an educatory writing and language was very fluent.

1 yorum:

  1. Mi amico,
    You give us the information in the article, and this is good, I think. Because we need to know what your writing based on. Your writing is good, but it may need some improvements. For example, you can use a comma in this sentence with great and especially 'I found the examples great especially Federico example.' It can be more suitable, I think. Thank you for your knowledge.
