The writer-Camille Chatterjee- refers to a controversial issue which is about whether men and women can be real friends or not. S/he firstly mentions challenges to male-female friendships, reasons why males and females can not be real friends and s/he makes use of some research results and studies conducted on this issue.Afterwards, s/he explains how males and females can achieve becoming actual,true friends without sexual tension. The writer shows some ways to real friendships by overcoming problems that arise from men ,women or society.
In almost every society there is a wrong argument that a man and woman can not be real friends. This idea probably derives from mentality of past centuries since in old times there was a huge gap between men and women .Men were superior to women and women were regarded as second class people.They didn't come close to one another apart from having sex.As a result, today there is still a misknown remark that a man and woman can not be true friends. However, in our century men and women are so mingled with each other that they do almost everything together like working,entertaining,traveling etc. They are like an inseparable whole.That's why people should get rid of their wrong opinions about male-female friendships.
When examining the article itself,it seemed too long and I thought it would be boring before reading it. However, as I read I understood that it was not as dull as I thought.The writer used small paragraphs and gave examples related to topic as many as possible, so it didn't bother me.It was a comprehensive and beneficial writing.I liked the way the writer categorized topic which facilitated reading the article.The writer usually used known words and I could easily get what s/he meant.