5 Nisan 2013 Cuma

Entry 2-Second Term

                                          JOURNAL ENTRY 1:PAPA THE PHILOSOPHER

              In his writing the author -Leo Buscoglio- tries to show us how an important and compelling role our  parents have in our life and how they guide us when we are stuck and when we can not think anything logically. As a whole I liked the writing very much. This writing is an anecdote and for this type of writing fluency is indispensable factor. I believe that the author succeeded in using a fluent language. From the moment I started reading to the last moment,I read writing with pleasure.I was never bored. Not to bother the readers. the author used many small paragraphs so that he kept the attention of readers alive throughout the writing. Instead of using a few paragraphs but really long ones, he preferred using small ones ,which is very wisely. When I first shot a glance at title, I wondered why Leo used the term philosopher and after I finished reading ,I found out the reason . The topic was quite suitable for such a subject. It transmits the message that during our most desperate and hopeless times, either of our parents can be our pioneer or savior and s/he can prevent us from doing something wrong. In this writing, the author faces some problems which are probably  derived from culture shock. Leo is an Italian-American and like many people coming from other countries to America, he encounters a number of hardships. While he was too young to understand what is going on around him it is okay for him to live in America. Nonetheless, as he gets older these difficulties become too huge to ignore. when he was at junior high school, he was attacked and humiliated by a group of boys. Afterwards, he was frustrated and helpless. He also hated being an Italian. He was about to drop out his school. However, after his conversation with his father, he changed his mind. The papa gave him reasonable directions and deterred him from making mistakes. Maybe papa could not solve his problem at that time ,but he instilled confidence and made Leo determinate and strong. All in all, I can say that being mature is not about age, it is about experiences in our life. In addition, parents are our most reliable                    
friends and leaders during our most gruelling moments. That's why the author call papa as a philosopher in other words as an advisory.